(02) 4304 2011

Civil Engineering and Stormwater Management Plans
Our services include:
Concept Stormwater Management plans (residential, commercial)
Stormwater Management Plans (residential, commercial)
Stormwater pump-out system design
Vision Engineers can assist with your civil and stormwater management requirements and will work with you to achieve an economic solution to your stormwater needs.
Stormwater Management Plans are often required as part of your Development Application, whether it's an addition to the existing building or a new build, depending on Council requirements. In some cases the design may be as simple as noting the existing stormwater management system and connecting the new addition into the existing. In other cases, Council require a more detailed Stormwater Plan.
There are many different types of stormwater management systems, typically most properties are connected to the council stormwater system (at the kerb). Vision Engineers will consult with you to work out the best and most cost-effective solution while working to Council's requirements.
The stormwater management plan details how the rainwater gets from the roof of your structure to the street kerb. There are several types of systems including the following:
Gravity feed (the site slopes towards the road and the water flows from the structure to the street under the action of gravity)
Charged system (a sealed system where the pipes generally always have water in them - typically for a flat or slightly sloped away from the road site)
Pump out system (the use of pumps to discharge water from holding tanks to the street - typically the last resort)
Infiltration trenches - depending on the type of soil on site and the property itself infiltration may be a possibility
Inter-allotment easements - Councils preferred method for sites that slope away from the road - this requires contacting your neighbour/s to propose an easement on their property and the associated legal documentation.
Reticulation of rainwater for reuse (typically laundry and toilets) - this can offset the requirements of pump out systems and generally is required on most new residential structures.